Bahamian Tings…
Here are some fun things you might not know about how things are down here in Eleuthera, Bahamas.
- Eleuthera stretches approximately 110 miles long and in places spans no more than a mile to a mile and a half wide.
- You drive on the left.
- US dollars and Bahamian dollars are equal here.
- Here we have the North side which is referred to as the Atlantic and the other side as the Caribbean but in truth its all the Atlantic ocean.
- Gasoline runs around $6.10 a gallon or more.
- Eleuthera is famous for its sweet pineapples and holds an annual Pineapple Festival in Gregory Town each June.
Local Lingo
- If someone says so and so is biggety. It means they think too much of themselves.
- Bologna is referred to as Sausage.
- A slam bam is a sandwich made by taking 2 slices of bread, cover each side with mustard, slapping down the sausage and bam its done.
- Sip, sip is gossip.
- Tingum is basically a word filler and is used whenever you can’t think of the word you are searching for.
- Cheapuss does does mean you are frugal – it basically means “might as well”. Cheapuss you go do your homework. = You might as well go do your homework.
- Rum is any hard liquor. If you want a specific kind you have to say the name like I’ll have a Barcardi and…
- If someone says to you Mudda sick. It doesn’t mean their mother is ill. It’s more like Holy Cow or Wow!
- Did you take the chicken out of the baker? Baker is the oven.
- I’m off to the shop. Meaning – I’m going grocery shopping
- I be right back! Meaning I’ll see you later. That could be an hour, later in the week or next week!
It’s a different world and culture here for sure and the only way to understand it is to be part of it.