Book Your Stay at Valentines Resort
It’s December and we are about to embark on another journey toward a Valentines Residences Resort and Marina and Harbour Island festive and high season. Valentines managers and team members have been working “assiduously” (one of our PM’s favorite words) getting ready to provide our guests (YOU) with our world famous Five Star Rock Star Service; a little bit of hyperbole but I am sure the Queen would agree that, “WE WILL, WE WILL, ROCK YOU!”
So what have we done so far? Well……..lots of strategic marketing of the resort, tons of beautiful landscaping, a new chef hailing from Austria, a new and exciting menu, a new upscale gym, a stylishly revamped coffee shop with a fabulous deck and harbour view, lots of electrical work on the dock, and a great deal of training of our Five Star Service Team Members. We have also added 10% or so to our staffing level to ensure YOU are being served as you should be. By the way, Valentines has just experienced a run of 15 Five Star online reviews in a row! And, not the first time.
Now for the accolades; in the past two months in addition to many previous awards, Valentines has been recognized by Conde’ Nast Travelers – Readers’ Choice Awards 2016, as a top 20 hotel in the Bermuda, Turks & Caicos, and Bahamas region; we have also been nominated as the Best Boutique hotel in the Caribbean by Caribbean Journal magazine. Winning is fun!
Notables; on December 1st, I was reelected to a fourth term as President of the Bahama Out Islands Promotion Board, and on December 2nd, I was elected Senior Vice President of the Bahamas Hotel and Tourism Association. It’s an honor to serve both of these fine and important organizations. Valentines has benefitted greatly as a member of each. Thank you again for supporting and visiting Valentines, have a great 2017. We look forward to seeing you this next year and “We’ll keep the light on for you!”
Dean Spychalla
President, Bahama Out Islands Promotion Board
Senior Vice President, Bahamas Hotel and Tourism Association
Managing Director, Valentines Residences Resort and Marina
Harbour Island, Bahamas
Bahamas: (242) 333-2142
US: (954) 284-8694
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